Social engineering cartoon

I’m including some cartoons to my next ebook to give it a bit of humor. Here’s one about social engineering. What do you think?

Hillary Clinton Teaches Us a Good Business Security Lesson

Imagine you’re the security manager at a company where a new executive just got hired. This executive will be regularly handling the most sensitive information flowing through your company.

Unfortunately, she thinks the rules don’t apply to her and she immediately states that she won’t use the company email account you created for her, she’ll use her own. It’s not AOL, Gmail, Yahoo! mail or any other common third party email system—it’s a mail server in her house, managed by [continue reading…]

Upcoming book: More Information Security for Small Businesses

More information security for small businessesComing soon is my next ebook in the Security Elements series: More Information Security for Small Businesses.

This book will dive into more security practices that small businesses should follow, including:

  • How to avoid email scams, social engineering, and hacker tricks
  • How to securely hire employees and security professionals including a detailed description of the Request for Proposal (RFP) process
  • How to write and communicate your business security policies (including a downloadable policies template)
  • Planning for and recovering from business disasters
  • And much more!

Coming in March 2015!